KAYU Home Page


1) To supply natural products without additives based on quality and reliable food methods.

2) To contribute to food science with the production and research projects of its innovative, entrepreneurial, young and dynamic food technicians and expert academic staff.

3) To provide accessibility to organic and healthy food products that the world and our country need, especially in Kayseri.

4) To support the food industry in product and process development by conducting research and development (R&D) and production-development (P&D) projects with applications covering the priority issues of the food industry, and to support the competitiveness of Turkey's food industry by this way.

5) To conduct research, produce information, create databases, organize informative meetings, make publications and give awards by organizing competitions on issues related to food and human health.
6) To organize national and international meetings such as panels, conferences, symposiums and congresses in order to enlighten the public on food consumption, and to organize programs to enlighten the public in local, national and international printed, visual and audio media organs.


1) To make Turkey a leader in its region and an effective actor in the world; to create an internationally competitive R&D system.

2) Starting from Kayseri, to grow and develop as a center that researches and produces the most in Turkey and the world.

3) To contribute to the determination of Turkey's policies in the field of food production through effective cooperation with public and private sector institutions and organizations.

4) Establishing databases on foods in which Turkey is involved and assertive in international trade, offering urgent solutions to potential problems, and carrying out research and development projects in cooperation with sector representatives